Last year I thought that once I finished school, which was last summer, I would start doing crafts all the time because they are so wonderfully fun ! However, I have probably only completed about a half dozen crafts including my Halloween costume. Still, I want to make a quick post about neat DIY craft ideas (all from Pinterest). So here they are:
Since Valentines Day is next week I do think I will be making this for my family and my wonderful boyfriend very soon. LInk
I love this idea for on a table as a simple centerpiece with a few little blooms sticking out.
This idea is more for organization but I just think it is so clever, take a towel rod and attach shower curtain hangers or s shaped hooks to hold necklaces, so great!
I think that everyone with an internet connection has probably already seen these awesome t shirt scarves however, I think it is worth posting because there are so many different possibilities for designs and colors etc.
This is from Martha, I made this it's very cool and different.
Well that's all for now, I really am going to try to post more often. I hope some of these crafts are new to some people out there that manage to stumble on to my blog!
xoxo, T