Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Wish List

Well it's the holiday season once again and I have been shopping for everyone on my list in preparation for the big day. However, I have also been eyeing some very cool new things for myself as well so in this post I will publish some of the neat things that are on my list, maybe you will be inspired for someone on your list, or yourself! Happy Shopping!
 More Cowboy Boots!

Floral Scarf

 I am obsessed with watches but they always break, so I always need new ones, and these timex watches are perfect for everyday.  
I would wear these with everything.

Chunky comfy sweaters. 
Crackle Nails. 


 A girl can never have too much jewelry.

I've been very good this year. 

I hope this can be somewhat inspiring, whenever buying gifts for girls just remember that we will always love pretty things. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My first post on my blog!

Hello all,
This is my first ever blog so I am very excited and I hope that eventually many many people will come here to read and be amused by what I have to say. For now I plan this blog to be an all purpose blog that will encompass whatever is on my mind and I happen to find interesting or helpful at the time. Like the name states I consider myself a modern lass so I would like to post about all things that concern myself and other modern girls of the day, I predict this will include things like fashion, shopping, good books, crafts, friends, cooking, politics, movies and everything else. So here we go!

The first thing I would like to post about is the website that I am obcessed with for the past few months, although I'm sure I was late finding it. it's like a photo pinboard where any user can post pictures of whatever they think is cool at the moment, so check it out. I have an account on Pinterest too but I will probably post alot of the same things here too.

So today this is all for my first post, my subsequent posts will be better thought out and planned according to what is on my mind and hopefully this blog will come to be insightful, helpful, and fun.

So I will leave you with some introductory personal pictures today...
This is Lucy last night getting sleepy

That is all have a good day!